We offer the best quality workmanship utilizing the best equipment available and performing work in the same manner, thus all our teams operate under the same philosophy. We are completely self-sufficient by supporting our staff with sufficient tools and equipment to enable us to complete every project.


We aim to be the construction company of choice to individuals and corporates. Our services shall remain a force to reckon and shall not be regretted.


To ensure a consistent supply of creative, quality and dynamic services through customer driven research and development to keep up with technological trends and global standards in the construction industry.


We are committed to quality service delivery with our key strengths being honesty, integrity, professionalism and diligence.

Honesty and integrity- We pledge to be honest in complying with our commitments

 Professionalism –We place the greatest attention to our service delivery system and customer care

 Diligence -Our responses to customer needs are rapid and diligent.

 We also strive to observe and implement safety rules and regulations in all our operations.


Tawodzera Blesert : Managing Director

Over 10 years’ experience in project Management and has been involved in all aspects of construction works. Holds a (Bsc) Financial Management (UNISA).

Polite Tawodzera: Finance and Administration   

She has over  8 years of experience in finance and administration.   Holds  a Bachelor of Accountancy honors degree (B Acc), University of Zimbabwe, Advanced diploma in accounting science UNISA. Certificate theory accounting (UNISA)

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