Thinking of any construction work?

For professional services, we are at your service.


EARTHFIX-GLOBAL (PRIVATE) LIMITED is a private limited entity which was incorporated in 2016 with its core business being the provision of quality construction and civil engineering services to the Zimbabwean market and beyond. We specialize in the construction of roads, dams, bridges, residential and industrial structures and many more.


Importance of Road Maintenance

  Roads are important in modern living, they enable us to access commercial, health, educational, and social support services. Therefore consistent reliable and sustainable road maintenance is of essence. Some of the reasons why road maintenance should be a priority  include: Safety:               A  well-maintained road network improves the safety […]


The rainy season is almost here and it’s high time to do something about that bad road in your area. We are at your service for construction equipment at very affordable rates.


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